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Institute of Continuing Education (ICE)

ICE welcomes applications from disabled students and makes every effort both to anticipate and to make reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of disabled participants.

The University of Cambridge, which includes ICE, is committed equality of opportunity and to a pro-active and inclusive approach to equality, which supports and encourages all under represented groups, promotes an inclusive culture and values diversity.

As a student on an award-bearing course, you will be provided with a University of Cambridge card for the duration of your study. This gives access to University facilities (such as the University Library), other services and concessions.

If you are applying for a course with ICE, there are a number of funding opportunities which you may be eligible for.

This page contains links to the various forms you may need to complete as a student at ICE.

Our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) allows you to study and learn online, access learning resources, and interact with your tutor and fellow students.

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How can we help?

Do you have any questions? Contact us here ยป

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