Graham's academic background includes a first class BA degree and Doctorate in Political Theory from the University of Cambridge. He also holds a fellowship and lectureship in Political Theory for King's College, Cambridge as well as being a Founding Director of the University of Cambridge's first MPhil degree programme in Social and Political Theory. He currently runs an annual course at Cambridge on The History of British Political Thought.
Graham is the author of 19 books so far and numerous published essays. He is a contributor to many publications including The Guardian, The Independent, Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, Daily Express, Sunday Times, the Observer, London Evening Standard, Washington Post, Times Literary Supplement, The Times Higher Education Supplement, The Modern Review, The Cambridge Review, Sight and Sound, New Society, Marxism Today, Radical Philosophy and The New Statesman. He has also been television critic of the Financial Times and continues to be a regular contributor to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
His academic writing can be found in various journals and collections including the article 'Biographical Boundaries' in M Featherstone, M Hepworth & B Turner (eds), The Body: social process and cultural theory (SAGE Publications, 1991) and numerous reviews in the journal Society.