Institute of Continuing Education (ICE)
All courses offered by the International Summer Programme are subject to University of Cambridge course approval and evaluation procedures. The quality assurance processes are administered through the University of Cambridge Institute of Continuing Education.
If you are seeking to earn academic credit from your University of Cambridge International Summer Programme studies at your home institution, you can submit written work for evaluation, to be assessed by the Course Director for your Cambridge International Summer Programme for one or more of your course(s). There is an evaluation fee of £75 per essay.
For credit-seeking students we can:
- provide your home institution with a detailed description of the academic level, content, contact hours and assessment mode(s) for your chosen University of Cambridge International Summer Programme courses
- issue a digital certificate of attendance to verify that you have met classroom attendance requirements (contact hours)
- evaluate your academic performance via appropriate written work and provide feedback (a grade report form). If a graded transcript including contact hours is required there will be a fee of £30, with a fee of £15 for subsequent additional transcripts.
The home institution at which you are enrolled will determine the number of credits they may award based on the University of Cambridge International Summer Programme course content, contact hours, and the graded written work. Home institutions are free to assign their own levels. Below, using the US credit system, we set out illustrative examples:
- Two weeks of the University of Cambridge International Summer Programme, with an estimated 46 contact hours and a 2,000-3,000-word essay submission for at least one 10-session or 5-session course, achieving the minimum grade required by the home institution: three (3) undergraduate credit hours.
- Four weeks of the University of Cambridge International Summer Programme, with an estimated 92 contact hours and a 2,000-3,000-word essay submission for at least two 10-session or 5-session courses, achieving the minimum grades required by the home institution: six (6) undergraduate credit hours.
Note: Institutions may require that you submit additional written work for courses studied to achieve the required amount of credit. If you attend for one or three weeks of the University of Cambridge International Summer Programme, your home institution may adjust the amount of credit awarded accordingly.
We strongly recommend that you check with your home institution’s study abroad office before you apply for the University of Cambridge International Summer Programme that your home institution will award credit. (The office can contact us on intgroup @ for the necessary information and advice.) You should not assume your home institution will award credit until they confirm this in writing.
It is important to note, that your home institution would award any applicable credit. The University of Cambridge does not award its own credit for the International Summer Programme study.
You may write essays for evaluation to enhance your own study experience. There is a fee of £75 per essay.
The University of Cambridge does not award its own credit for International Summer Programme study. Again, the University of Cambridge will issue a digital certificate of attendance, a grade report form and, if required, a graded transcript for a fee of £30, with a fee of £15 for subsequent additional transcripts.
It is not currently possible to earn credit towards a University of Cambridge sub-degree (eg Undergraduate Certificate) or degree from University of Cambridge International Summer Programme study. Again, the University of Cambridge will issue a digital certificate of attendance and a grade report form. If a graded transcript including contact hours is required there will be a fee of £30. There will be a fee of £15 for subsequent additional transcripts.
Whether you are seeking to earn credit from your home institution or just writing for your own pleasure, we provide further information in the student handbook (available on the VLE for accepted students) and briefing sessions during the International Summer Programme.