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Institute of Continuing Education (ICE)

The Cambridge Better Futures Programme is a year-long course. It convenes the power of Cambridge and equips accomplished individuals to create transformative change in the world. Whether your ambition is to improve your local community or deliver something truly global, the Cambridge Better Futures Programme will help you define your vision and prepare to put it into action.

As a Better Futures Programme participant you will be part of a select cohort. Your journey will be unique, based around your specific interests, and arena of exploration. Alongside a core programme, we will help you construct a truly personalised programme of study with guidance from your academic departmental host and the Better Futures team.


What does the programme offer you?



Re-assess your skills, capabilities, motivation and personal health and refine how you relate to society and the world around you.


Explore major societal issues and opportunities with Cambridge academics and develop a personalised learning plan


Craft future impact pathways to follow in the coming years.

These strands weave together across a weekly core programme of seminars, your personalised learning and research, and the broader intellectual and cultural communities of Cambridge. You're invited to connect the foundational awareness of your world view and experiences to cutting-edge knowledge, and using that combination to craft paths for change that are meaningful, impactful and sustainable. The programme team and academic host will work with you to curate a set of lectures, workshops and other learning opportunities to delve deeper into subjects connected to your interests, and to draw on Cambridge networks to help activate your plans.


You will be able to draw upon:

  1. Taught Courses*, Open Lectures/Seminar
  2. Departments, Institutes, Research Centres, Networks
  3. Past and Ongoing Research Programmes
  4. Academic Experts and Researchers to serve as advisers and resources.
  5. Partnership of External Expert Practitioners in the Better Futures Mentor Network.
  6. The Wider Cambridge Ecosystem and Network of Alumni.
  7. Termly Symposia/Dinners that bring together Thought Leaders and prominent actors in discussion around key issues by programme theme. 

*with lecturer permission

To find out more information and request a copy of the programme brochure click here

To learn more about the Centre for Better Futures:


Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes and evaluation

The programme aims to enable participants to:

· experience and embed practices that enhance wellbeing, capacity for life-craft, and life-long reflective practice

· acquire understanding of cutting-edge knowledge in core areas of interest (e.g climate change, health inequalities) and the ability to frame critical questions based on this understanding

· design and enact a change pathway aligned with their experience, values and knowledge

· be prepared to initiate a change pathway – personal, high-level collaborative across sectors – in ways that engage with global challenges, that are aligned to participant’s values and skills, and in ways that help shift societal norms 

· potentially make a credible transition to a new career stage, connecting existing competencies and leadership with sufficient new knowledge, networks and practices

· develop a strong community amongst and beyond the cohort to support longer-term system change

Course dates

29 Sep 2025 to 30 Sep 2026

Course duration

1 Year

Apply by

03 Feb 2025

Course fee


Academic Directors, Course Directors and Tutors are subject to change, when necessary.


Various locations
United Kingdom

Qualifications / Credits


Course code
