Institute of Continuing Education (ICE)
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Mark Haughton is completing his PhD at the Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge and is a member of Jesus College. His current research, funded by the Arts & Humantiies Reserach Council, examines how Bronze Age burials from Ireland and Scotland reveal the gender and age structures of society, Prior to this, Mark completed a BA (in Archaeology & Classics) and an MA (in Prehistoric Archaeology) at University Colelge Dublin in Ireland. His MA reserach demonstrated the locally specifric way in which burial practice was ordered at several Early Bronze Age cemeteries in Ireland.
Beyond this research, Mark is currently investigating how ideas borrowed from literary analysis could be used to provide new ways for archaelologists to think about burials and their multiple meanings. He has also been involved for several yers in excavations at the Bronze Age tell at Szazhalombatta, just south of Budapest, Hungary.
At the Institute of Continuing Education, Mark teaches the Bronze Age sections of the Undergraduate Certificate in Archaeology of Ancient Britain. He also teaches on several courses in the Department of Archaeology and covers topics including: Bronze Age Britain, death and burial and archaeological theory and practice.
gender archaeology
archaeological theory
material culture
ethics in archaeology
social archaeology
European prehistory