Institute of Continuing Education (ICE)
Cambridge Genomic Medicine Programme - Modular Study
What is Modular Study?
Studying individual modules within the Cambridge University Genomic Medicine Programme is a way to gain valuable insight into one of the most important areas of modern healthcare and open up opportunities for further study for award bearing qualifications in Genomic Medicine. Genomic Medicine modules available for modular study are listed below.
All modules run as one week teaching sessions (Monday to Friday, >30 contact hours), followed by a further four weeks of guided study using a Virtual Learning Environment during which time students complete a formal assessment if studying for credit. The modules each carry 15 FHEQ Level 7 credits, equivalent to 150 hours of learning.
Study for Credit or CPPD
Each module can be studied for credit or for continuing personal and professional development (CPPD). Please note that a different application link is provided for credit and for CPPD for each module.
Studying for Credit: each module, on passing a formal assessment, is worth 15 FHEQ Level 7 credits. Credit is a formal, quantified recognition of learning achievement. Students receive a certificate/transcript evidencing the credits gained, which can be used when applying for further award-bearing qualifications (see Progression Options below). If you wish to apply for HEE funding, you must study modules for credit.
Studying for CPPD: modules can be studied for personal or professional development; formal assessment is not required, and students receive a certificate of attendance. If studying modules for CPPD, you will not be able to apply for HEE funding.
Progression Options
If you studied modules for credit, it is possible to transfer modular study credits forward into a Cambridge award:
Modules being transferred into an award can usually only be brought forward from the previous academic year.
For transfer of credit towards non-Cambridge awards, you are advised to consult the University where you wish to study as different criteria may apply.
Gateway Module Packages
We offer a two modular study packages, “Gateway to Genetic Counselling for Nurses and Midwives” and “Gateway to Pharmacogenomics for Pharmacy Staff”. To enrol in a Gateway, you must apply to each included module separately and must apply to study the modules for credit.
Application for funding available from HEE England is the same as for study of individual modules, as described below.
Gateway to Genetic Counselling for Nurses and Midwives
Apply for both MOD1CR (GM1B) and GM10CR (GMO2), both for credit.
Designed to prepare healthcare professionals, including nurses and midwives for the increased role and importance of genetics in healthcare and for those seeking eligibility to become registered genetic counsellors. Please download the Gateway information sheet for further details.
Gateway to Pharmacogenomics for Pharmacy Staff
Apply for both MOD1CR (GM1B) and MOD6CR (GM6), both for credit.
If you are a registered pharmacist or pharmacy technician, you may be able to expand your knowledge and experience to include pharmacogenomics by completing additional training in genetics, pharmacogenomics and stratified medicine. Please download the Gateway information sheet for further details.
How to Apply for Modular Study
You may apply for as many individual modules as desired. A separate application is required for each.
You can decide, or discuss with your employer, if you wish to study for credit or for CPPD. Note that if you wish to apply for HEE funding, you must apply to study for credit. To participate in the Gateway programs, you also must apply to study for credit.
Please submit your application as far in advance of the deadline as possible as modular applications are subject to the same admissions processes as they would be for award-bearing courses, and this can take several weeks.
Before you start your application, please have your application documents ready
To apply to study a module for credit you will need to provide 1,2,3,(4),5.
to apply to study for CPPD you will need to provide 1,(4),5.
Language Requirements for study
All applicants are required to demonstrate competency in English at a high level before commencing the programme; students whose first language is not English must be able to satisfy the requirements below.
List of Available Modules and Links to Application Pages
GM1B Introduction to Human Genetics and Genomics* |
This introductory module aims to provide the student with an introduction to the key areas of genomics, human genetics and genetic variation. It will prepare participants to understand disease genetics and how genomic medicine can be utilised to elucidate disease mechanisms and biology. In addition, this module will also cover the fundamentals of information governance in the context of genomic medicine and its applications providing underpinning knowledge for later modules in bioinformatics and statistics. This module will serve as a foundation for those wishing to advance their careers within the NHS in genomic medicine. It provides clear understanding of the structure and variations in genetic material. Covering basic genetics and genomics, this module will prepare students to understand the role of genetics in disease and how genomic information can be utilised to elucidate disease mechanisms and biology. |
Apply by Friday 13 Sept 2024 |
Home fees for academic year 2024-25: £1,393 |
Home fees for academic year 2024-25: £1,180 |
Attend in-person |
Cambridge Biomedical Campus Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 0QQ |
Submit assignment by |
Assignment submitted online if studying course for credit. Resources available for all students in the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) |
GM2 Omics Techniques and the Application to Genomic Medicine |
This module explores the state of the art genomics techniques used for DNA sequencing (targeted approaches, whole exome and whole genome sequencing) and RNA sequencing, using highly parallel techniques, together with current technologies routinely used to investigate genomic variation in the clinical setting. This module will introduce the bioinformatics approaches required for the analysis of genomic data, which together with data governance covered in GM1 will provide a solid foundation for the Bioinformatics and Statistics modules. The module will also cover the use of array-based methodologies and RNA sequencing in estimating levels of protein expression, micro RNAs and long non–coding RNAs. A comprehensive introduction to metabolomics and proteomics, which are important for the functional interpretation of genomic data and discovery of disease biomarkers will also be included. Students will also learn about the strategies employed to evaluate pathogenicity of variants for clinical reporting. Teaching of these core technologies and introductory bioinformatics will be facilitated in part by hands-on production of genomic data in which students will take DNA samples through an entire ‘omics’ workflow. |
Apply by Friday 11 October 2024 |
Home fees for academic year 2024-25: £1,393 |
Home fees for academic year 2024-25: £1,180 |
Attend in-person |
Cambridge Biomedical Campus Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 0QQ |
Submit assignment by |
Assignment submitted online if studying course for credit. Resources available for all students in the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) |
GM7 Bioinformatics, Interpretation and Data Quality Assurance in Genome Analysis |
The module covers the fundamental principles of informatics and bioinformatics applied to clinical genomics. Students are taught to find and use major genomic and genetic data resources; use software packages, in silico tools, databases and literature searches to align sequence data to the reference genome, critically assess, annotate and interpret findings from genetic and genomic analyses. Theoretical sessions are coupled with practical assignments of analysing and annotating predefined data sets. This module is central to the Genomic Medicine Programme as it provides students with the skills to begin to analyse genomic data. This module is suitable for beginners and does not involve the use of the Unix command line or R. Students with previous bioinformatics experience are advised to take the advanced bioinformatics module, GMO4. |
Apply by Friday 1 November 2024 |
Home fees for academic year 2024-25: £1,393 |
Home fees for academic year 2024-25: £1,180 |
Attend in-person |
Location in or around Cambridge TBD |
Submit assignment by |
Assignment submitted online if studying course for credit. Resources available for all students in the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) |
GM5 Application of Genomics to Infectious Disease |
From this module the student will understand how genomics can be used to better understand the nature, diversity and mechanisms of evolution of microbes causing human disease, provide more accurate diagnosis, predict which drugs are likely to be more effective and monitor treatment and control of infectious disease in individuals and populations. The student will learn about the genomic structure of infectious agents, implication of acquisition or loss of nucleotides, genes and plasmids on pathogenicity, sensitivity of a pathogen to drug treatment and response to the host. Students will also be taught about current typing approaches for diagnostics and epidemiology of infectious agents, the surveillance systems operating in the UK and abroad and how genome-based approaches can complement/replace these existing methodologies both locally and internationally. |
Apply by Friday 13 December 2024 |
Home fees for academic year 2024-25: £1,393 |
Home fees for academic year 2024-25: £1,180 |
Attend in-person |
Cambridge Biomedical Campus Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 0QQ |
Submit assignment by |
Assignment submitted online if studying course for credit. Resources available for all students in the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) |
GM4 Molecular Pathology of Cancer and Application in Cancer Diagnosis, Screening, and Treatment |
This module aims to equip the student with detailed knowledge and understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in cancer development. This will include the ways in which interrogation of a person’s own genome and the genome of tumour cells can facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. This module covers the molecular mechanisms that underlie cancer development, growth and metastasis, and the differences between different cancers. It will explore the different molecular and cellular actions of anti-cancer treatments, the genomic factors affecting response and resistance to treatment, and the research approaches to anti-cancer drug design and development. Broad situations which confer a high cancer risk to a person and/or to other members of the same family will be discussed in the context of how genomic information may be integrated into cancer screening programmes. |
Apply by Friday 3 January 2025 |
Home fees for academic year 2024-25: £1,393 |
Home fees for academic year 2024-25: £1,180 |
Attend in-person |
Cambridge Biomedical Campus Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 0QQ |
Submit assignment by |
Assignment submitted online if studying course for credit. Resources available for all students in the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) |
GM6 Pharmacogenetics and Stratified Healthcare* |
Pharmacogenomics is playing a key role in our health care system. Pharmacogenomics and stratified health care ensure that healthcare professionals tailor the 'right treatment, for the right person, at the right time’ and is a fast developing area. This module provides a comprehensive overview of the analytical strategies and techniques used in pharmacogenomics and explore some of the challenges and limitations in this field (availability of patient material for studies of adverse drug reactions which tend to be rare, allelic heterogeneity between different ethnic groups, patient compliance etc.). Biomarkers are the predictive tools for optimising drug response and preventing adverse drug reactions thus this module will also provide an overview of the different type of genomic biomarkers currently in use or emerging. This module describes the complexity of pharmacogenomics and the effect of medication on individuals based on their genetic make-up i.e. tailoring drug treatment to improve patient response and techniques to stratify patients at risk of adverse drug reactions. It uses examples of known validated pharmacogenomic tests relevant to the use of drug treatments and also use the expertise provided by the major clinical- and academic- industrial research cluster in biomedical science that is developing locally. The module provides a focus to develop interactions with industrial partners and academic groups developing research programs in stratified medicine across a broad range of diseases. |
Apply by Friday 31 January 2025 |
Home fees for academic year 2024-25: £1,393 |
Home fees for academic year 2024-25: £1,180 |
Attend in-person |
Cambridge Biomedical Campus Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 0QQ |
Submit assignment by |
Assignment submitted online if studying course for credit. Resources available for all students in the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) |
GM10NC |
GMO2 Counselling Skills for Genomics* |
This is an introduction to counselling skills for genomics. The aim of this module is to equip students with the knowledge, communication and counselling skills and appropriate attitudes and behaviours towards the diagnosis and management of patients whose care will be influenced by genomic investigations. Students undertaking this module are taught how to communicate and provide appropriate support to individuals and their families. Development of counselling skills is achieved via theoretical and practical sessions. Students are taught to understand the importance of a family history and communication of pathogenic and/or uncertain results. Patient involvement is an integral feature of this module. The patient perspective will also be considered extensively within the role play delivery. |
Apply by Friday 14 February 2025 |
Home fees for academic year 2024-25: £1,393 |
Home fees for academic year 2024-25: £1,180 |
Attend in-person |
Venue changed to Cambridge Biomedical Campus Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 0QQ |
Submit assignment by |
Assignment submitted online if studying course for credit. Resources available for all students in the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) |
GM11NC |
GMO5 Epigenetics & Epigenomics |
The completion of the human genome project has paved the way for major advances in our understanding of human genetic disease and the pathogenesis of cancer. Nevertheless, these advances have also revealed that genetics is only part of the story and there is increasing recognition that epigenetics will be critical for understanding human disease and the practice of genomic medicine.
Cambridge is the leading European centre for epigenetic research and this module will draw on world-leading local scientists to provide expert coverage of this fascinating topic. |
Apply by Friday 7 March 2025 |
Home fees for academic year 2024-25: £1,393 |
Home fees for academic year 2024-25: £1,180 |
Attend in-person |
Cambridge Biomedical Campus Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 0QQ |
Submit assignment by |
Assignment submitted online if studying course for credit. Resources available for all students in the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) |
GMO4 Advanced Bioinformatics |
This module introduces students to bioinformatics approaches that can provide a system level understanding of disease associated processes, using a combination of ‘omics’ data types (e.g. genomic, transcriptomic, epigenomic, and proteomic). This module builds upon the basic bioinformatics techniques introduced in MOD7 (Bioinformatics, interpretation and data quality assurance in genome analysis) or MODO7 (Research and Statistical Skills for Genomic Medicine) along with the disease and subject specific knowledge gained in other modules. Students with no prior bioinformatics experience are encouraged to take this module following MOD7. This module uses the Unix command line and R to analyse genomic medicine data. The module is delivered through both lectures and hands-on practical sessions and employs real data to illustrate the application of systems biomedicine approaches in genomic medicine. |
Apply by Friday 28 March 2025 |
Home fees for academic year 2024-25: £1,393 |
Home fees for academic year 2024-25: £1,180 |
Attend in-person |
Downing Site |
Submit assignment by |
Assignment submitted online if studying course for credit. Resources available for all students in the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) |
GM3 Genomics of Common & Rare Disease |
The number of rare monogenic disorders is estimated to be greater than 7000, but only in approximately half of these are the underlying genes known. Common conditions such as intellectual disability, diabetes and schizophrenia are thought to arise from a complex interplay of genetic and environmental factors but deeper understanding of the genetic and mechanistic basis of these conditions is necessary for clinical translation. The module offers a comprehensive overview of the traditional and current strategies and techniques used to identify genes responsible for both common multifactorial and rare inherited diseases, focusing mainly on the latter. This module will initially explore the clinical presentation and course of a range of common and rare inherited diseases. The principles and practise of medical genetics, and the management and treatment of probands and their families will be discussed. In addition, the role of genomics in a care pathway will be examined including the patient and family perspective. Building on knowledge gained in MOD2 (Omics techniques and the application to genomic medicine), students will further explore the analytical challenges in genomics as applied to rare inherited diseases. |
Apply by Friday 11 April 2025 |
Home fees for academic year 2024-25: £1,393 |
Home fees for academic year 2024-25: £1,180 |
Attend in-person |
Cambridge Biomedical Campus Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 0QQ |
Submit assignment by |
Assignment submitted online if studying course for credit. Resources available for all students in the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) |
Please note that dates for these modules may be subject to change in accordance with government/University guidelines.
Health Education England (HEE) Funding
NHS, Public Health England (PHE), pharmacist, laboratory and primary care staff may be eligible to apply for HEE funding for their modular study with us meeting the application criteria. Those working in academia may also be considered depending on the percentage of time spent working for the NHS.
For full details of eligibility, the application procedure and FAQs, please refer to the HEE website here. Click on a module, read the information on the tabs titled, ‘Funding rules’ and ‘FAQs’. At the bottom of the ‘Funding rules’ tab click the link to view the ‘the application process for CPPD module(s) or postgraduate certificate’ to view a useful flowchart showing the application procedure.
Where a module is HEE funded then the full cost of the home fee and the equivalent amount of the overseas fee will be covered.
If you are eligible for HEE funding then your application for funding is via the University and not directly to HEE. If you receive a conditional offer of a place, we (the University) will inform you of the amount of HEE funding we can offer and apply to HEE on your behalf. During the application process, we request permission to share your details with HEE so they can progress and approve your funding allocation.
All funding is subject to availability and HEE approval. Any prior funding you have received from HEE will also be taken into account.
You should make your application to us as soon as possible in order to secure a place on the module(s) of your choice and secure any available funding.
Associated courses
The Genomic Medicine programme at ICE provides the following additional part-time, award-bearing courses and study options:
You can also apply to study at the Master’s level full-time through the University’s Department of Medical Genetics.
For further information please contact us at