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Institute of Continuing Education (ICE)


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The Master of Studies (MSt) in Applied Criminology and Police Management (Senior Leader Master’s Degree Apprenticeship) has the following aims:

To build the knowledge, skills and behaviours that senior leaders in policing need to serve the public interest in maintaining safety and justice under the rule of law.

To promote the professional development of senior leader apprentices by combining on-the-job training with academic learning and research. 

To introduce senior leaders in policing to the most current and enduring knowledge about targeting, testing and tracking the use of police resources to achieve specific objectives.

To develop skills necessary to locate, interpret, conduct and analyze research on issues in policing services.

To develop skills of course members in communicating their analyses, conclusions, and proposals based on research, both orally and in writing. 

To equip course members for lifelong learning in applying current research in applied criminology and police management to improve the performance of their organisations.

Learning resources include an instructional team that uniquely combines globally renowned academic scholars with highly accomplished English Chief Officers, as well as the Radzinowicz Library, one of the world’s leading collections on crime-related topics.


Teaching & Assessment


The programme is a part-time course that takes place over two years starting in the spring. There are normally three two-week residential teaching blocks in the first year: Block A (March/April), Block B (July) and Block C (September). The residential teaching blocks incorporate four key modules: Criminological Theory, Evidence-Based Policing, Leadership and Management, and Research Methods.

The modules cover a range of topics and use a range of delivery styles including seminars, lectures, symposia, practical exercises and project work. Reading lists are provided for each session, giving required and suggested further reading.

Apprentices are allocated a personal supervisor with whom they can discuss any aspect of the course (essay choice, thesis topic, time management, sources of information, academic development and support) on a one-to-one basis. Independent study time is incorporated into the teaching blocks.

Apprentices have access to college library facilities as well as the Radzinowicz (Institute of Criminology), Squire (Faculty of Law), the Cambridge Judge Business School and University libraries. In the second year, supervision may pass to another member of staff who is better suited to supervise the thesis topic and in some cases a separate subject-specific thesis advisor may also be allocated to work alongside the supervisor.

Apprentice support materials are also available via a virtual learning environment (VLE).

  • One to one supervision: One or two hours per week (during the residential blocks in both years), others as required via telephone, Skype or other
  • Seminars and Lectures: First year: 47 hours per term
  • Small group teaching: Two hours per term
  • Practical sessions: As required – optional research methods surgeries and workshops for attendance depending on research methods being used
  • Literature reviews: The dissertation requires a literature review
  • Presentations: Apprentices may make one oral presentation in term five and a compulsory assessed oral presentation in term six


Detailed written feedback is given following all six written assignments. This is followed by discussion with supervisors. Verbal feedback is given following a discussion on thesis topic in terms four and five and on oral presentation in term six.


  1. Thesis/Dissertation of 18,000 words maximum (including footnotes or endnotes, but excluding appendices and bibliographical references)
  2. Four essays of 3,000 words maximum each
  3. A research proposal of 4,000 words maximum
  4. A Viva Voce presentation on the dissertation in progress

Other assessment

  • Gateway Review The employer acknowledging the completion of the course milestones prior to the EPA taking place.
  • The End Point Assessment (EPA) will be carried out by an independent registered End Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO) that will assess the apprentices knowledge, skills and behaviours against the Senior Leader's Degree Apprenticeship standard.
    • EPA Portfolio Assessment: Project showcase, based on work-based project; including report, presentation and questioning
    • EPA Professional Conversation: Professional Discussion, based on review of portfolio of evidence

Course dates

01 Apr 2019

Course duration

2 Years

Apply by

08 Mar 2019

Academic Directors, Course Directors and Tutors are subject to change, when necessary.


Institute of Criminology
Sidgwick Avenue
United Kingdom

Qualifications / Credits

180 credits at Master of Studies