Course Programme
14:00 Forget All Wrath, Unchastity, Arrogance: The curious powers of Reformation music Dr Bettina Varwig
This lecture explores the transformations in musical culture in the wake of the Protestant Reformation. Vernacular hymns and more elaborate church music could be harnessed as a powerful means of instilling the new faith in people's souls, hearts and bodies; but music's seductive sensual appeal potentially made it an alarmingly dangerous pursuit.
15:15 Tea
15:45 God, nature, and knowing: scientific thinking in the Renaissance Piers Bursill-Hall
The ancient texts that came into Italy in the earlier 15th century gave rise to Renaissance humanism. The mix of ancient Greek ideas, a Christian mis-reading of Plato, and an anti-rationalist reaction to scholasticism bred an explosion of competing new ideas about nature and how to know about nature. What distinguishes all subsequent western science has its roots in the radical freedom of new ideas of the Renaissance.
17.00 Finish
Piers Bursill-Hall was educated in France, America, Canada, and England and has spent most of his academic life in the Department of Pure Mathematics at Cambridge. He has taught undergraduate courses in history of mathematics and most aspects of history of science at Cambridge and elsewhere. Despite an irrepressible sense of humour, he is, however, serious about scholarship and teaching. He believes that lectures should be lectures, and does not use PowerPoint. His research and teaching has concentrated on history of Ancient, Renaissance, and Enlightenment science, mathematics and mathematical arts, the history of medicine, and more recently on early Islamic mathematics and science.
A selection of sandwiches will be available to purchase in the Terrace Bar.
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