This course is aimed at adults and features discussion of child abuse and violence within a mental health context. Owing to the nature of the material covered, this course may not be suitable for under 18s.
Course programme
Friday 19 February 2016
Please plan to arrive between 16:30 and 18:30. You can meet other course members in the bar which opens at 18:15. Tea and coffee making facilities are available in the study bedrooms.
19:00 Dinner
20:30 What is special about the social mind?
22:00 Terrace bar open for informal discussion13
Saturday 20 February 2016
07:30 Breakfast
09:00 The evolving social mind: how special are we?
10:30 Coffee
11:00 The many faces of empathy
12:30 Free
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Free
16:00 Tea
16:30 The biology of trust and mistrust
18:30 Dinner
20:00 Reciprocity, altruism and spite
21:30 Terrace bar open for informal discussion
Sunday 21 February 2016
07:30 Breakfast
09:00 Pathologies of the social mind
10:30 Coffee
11:00 The group mind in cooperation and conflict
12:30 Free
12:45 Lunch
The course will disperse after lunch.
What are your views?
Here at ICE we are developing a new one-year, part-time Certificate in Psychology which will provide an insight into the study of psychology, with a particular focus on how the brain enables us to see, think and remember. We would very much welcome your views on the proposed course and invite you to complete a short survey to help inform the design process.
Please complete the survey here >>