Institute of Continuing Education (ICE)
A photo should be uploaded to your application form via Olympus or alternatively emailed to Postgraduate students email PG Admissions with a photo as it is part of their offer conditions. Admissions forward the photo to ICE Records.
· The photo will be checked and edited or reformatted as required and uploaded to the Card Management System and a card requested.
· The Card Office will process and return cards within approximately 10 days.
· Once the card is received at the Institute of Continuing Education, ICE Records register the card with the University Library.
· Student cards are posted to student by the Academic Centre team who administer a student’s course.
See the following link for full photo acceptance criteria:
Report the loss or damage to your Academic Centre team who will contact ICE Records. Or email with your name, Identification number or CRSid and the course title. A replacement will be requested and posted by the Academic Centre team.
A University Card is issued by and remains the property of the University of Cambridge. It must be returned to either the Academic Centre team or ICE Records when a student completes their study, or the card is no longer valid. It will be securely destroyed by the Card Office.