Institute of Continuing Education (ICE)
Submitted by Ella Brooker on Fri, 17/01/2025 - 15:06
The Institute would like to congratulate Dr Milena Ivanova, Senior Teaching Associate and Course Director in Philosophy for receiving the 2024 Routledge, Taylor and Francis Prize from the APA. The Prize, established in 2013, aims to recognise the best scholarly work in philosophy by adjunct professors. Dr Ivanova received this honour for her article ‘What is a Beautiful Experiment?’ published in Erkenntnis in 2023.
Milena said: “When developing this project, I was aware that the questions I was asking were very underexplored in philosophy and there was space to do something novel.
I had a very positive response to the article when discussing it in departments and conferences around the globe and saw it quickly becoming one of the most read philosophy articles in this field, so I could appreciate that others found value in it. But to even be nominated for this incredible honour was humbling, receiving this recognition is certainly a career highlight for me.”
Milena believes that working in continuing education has enhanced her approach to not only her teaching, but her research too.
She said: “There is something very special when you get to work with people with different experiences and expertise behind them who genuinely want to think philosophically together. Engaging individuals with very diverse backgrounds in philosophical theories and getting them to work together on resolving philosophical questions is a real skill which working at ICE has helped me nurture.”
When asked about how it felt to find out this news, Milena shared that:
“This recognition fills me with immense gratitude towards all those people who have played a role in making this article possible. I could not have imagined any of this back in the peak of lockdowns when I first started writing this piece and it is great to see it have a life of its own now.”
Alongside teaching, Milena’s role is to develop content for the Philosophy portfolio. One of her missions is to introduce students to not only classical debates, but also to new exciting research.
She said: “This recognition makes me hopeful that more students will find our subject exciting, see how interdisciplinarity is a real asset in philosophy and choose to be involved in current philosophical debates.”
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