Alexandra Winkels is Academic Director for International Development and Global Change at the University of Cambridge Institute of Continuing Education (ICE), and is affiliated with the Centre of Development Studies (POLIS) at the University of Cambridge. She has a BSc in Environmental Sciences (University of Salford) and studied for an MPhil in Environment & Development (Geography, University of Cambridge and Clare Hall) before completing her PhD at the University of East Anglia in 2004. Alexandra held a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship between 2006-2013.
Alexandra’s teaching ranges from undergraduate geography and development studies, to postgraduate teaching on migration and development. Alexandra tries to engage students in contemporary debates and by drawing on her empirical experiences in Vietnam and elsewhere to help bridge the divide between theory and practice of international development issues. Her research interests centre around mobility, livelihoods and vulnerability.
In her capacity as Senior Researcher at the Centre of Development Studies (University of Cambridge), Alexandra offers a module on 'Migration and Development'. She supervises MPhil dissertations and PhD students.