Institute of Continuing Education (ICE)
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Jon works in the philosophy of literature and is the author of Literature and Understanding (Routledge 2021). He is Fellow and Director of Studies in Philosophy at Homerton College, Cambridge where he is also an undergraduate tutor; and directs studies in Philosophy for Wolfson College, Cambridge. Jon supervises for the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Cambridge (mainly in aesthetics) and is a Panel Tutor for ICE.
Jon believes that philosophy is like carpentry in so far as it is something we do rather than something that is merely learnt; he finds the Socratic method has not been improved on to this end.
Literary Insight: Understanding Other Minds through Literature.
Nietzsche and Wittgenstein
The British Society of Aesthetics
The Aristotelian Society
OUDCE philosophy society
Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB)