Aims of the course:
1. To expose students a wide range of online writing formats and approaches, including vodcasting, blogging and podcasting.
2. To allow students to reflect, recognise and develop their own writing voice, style and platform preference.
3. To recognise and address the demands of writing for an online audience, such as personal safety ethical considerations, legalities and potential abuse.
Course content overview:
This course will explore a wide range of online writing formats and reflect upon the benefits and disadvantages of these approaches.
An understanding of the distinct nature of online writing will be developed, addressing both ethical and legal practicalities.
The student will be able to draw on a range of strategies in order to deliver consistent online content.
Schedule (this course is completed entirely online):
Orientation Week: 4-10 January 2021
Teaching Weeks: 11 January-14 February 2021
Feedback Week: 15-21 February 2021
Each week of an online course is roughly equivalent to 2-3 hours of classroom time. On top of this, participants should expect to spend roughly 2-3 hours reading material, etc., although this will vary from person to person.
While they have a specific start and end date and will follow a weekly schedule (for example, week 1 will cover topic A, week 2 will cover topic B), our tutor-led online courses are designed to be flexible and as such would normally not require participants to be online for a specific day of the week or time of the day (although some tutors may try to schedule times where participants can be online together for web seminars, which will be recorded so that those who are unable to be online at certain times are able to access material).
Unless otherwise stated, all course material will be posted on the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) so that they can be accessed at any time throughout the duration of the course and interaction with your tutor and fellow participants will take place through a variety of different ways which will allow for both synchronous and asynchronous learning (discussion boards,etc).
A Certificate of Participation will be awarded to participants who contribute constructively to weekly discussions and exercises/assignments for the duration of the course.
What our students say - October 2018
“Very though-provoking assignments, combined with diverse challenges, kept me on my toes. I was surprised at every turn, but never overwhelmed or anxious. Simply put, it was a perfect combination for me.”
“Daisy is amazing. I learned from her on SO MANY LEVELS! Her suggestions were artfully worded and 100% on the mark. We were all beyond lucky to have her!”