Course Programme
14:00 Vladimir Putin: Effective Authoritarian? Sir Tony Brenton
Vladimir Putin came out of obscurity to become President of Russia at the end of 1999. He has now been in power longer than any other twentieth century ruler of Russia except Stalin. Under him the country has been transformed from a bankrupt basket case into a key international actor, but has seen political freedoms significantly curbed. How has he done it, and where will he take Russia next?
15:15 Tea
15:45 Xi Jinping's China at the crossroads Dr Sung-Mi Kim
Xi Jinping became the president of the People’s Republic of China in 2013, ruling the world’s largest population and second-largest economy without termly limitations. Compared to his predecessors whose foreign policies were typically low-key and cautious, Xi is widely perceived as a strong leader unafraid of projecting China’s growing confidence regionally and globally. This lecture discusses domestic and international dimensions of Xi’s leadership to delineate some of the challenges facing the strong but beleaguered leader.
17.00 Day school ends
A selection of sandwiches will be available to purchase in the Terrace Bar.
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