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Institute of Continuing Education (ICE)


The deadline for booking a place on this course has passed. Please use the 'Ask a Question' button to register your interest in future or similar courses.

Trainees in difficulty – 10-11 December 2018

This two-day course provides an opportunity to explore the circumstances that may lead to difficulties in training, for both the trainer and trainee. We will consider the roles and responsibilities of trainers, employers and relevant supporting professional bodies, with a focus on the dual status of trainee-employee. The course has a highly practical emphasis and so we will devote considerable attention to strategies for potentially ‘difficult’ conversations about performance. This includes an emphasis on feedback, coaching and mediation skills.

A discount of £50 off the tuition fee for each course is available if you book ALL THREE courses at the same time.

Clinical Teaching

Educational Supervision

This represents a saving of £150 in total. Please be aware that this discount is only valid if the same person is attending all three courses.



Fees cover tuition, meals (except breakfast) and refreshments, including morning coffee and afternoon tea during teaching hours.  Please contact us if you wish to extend your stay in Cambridge as we may be able to offer bed and breakfast accoommodation before or after your event.  

Residential per workshop (including all meals) - £550.00

Non-residential per workshop (including meals during the day) - £499.00

A discount of £50 off the tuition fee for each course is available if you book ALL THREE courses at the same time. 

Clinical Teaching

Educational Supervision

This represents a saving of £150 in total. Please be aware that this discount is only valid if the same person is attending all three courses. To obtain your discount, please enter the promotional code MEDCPD50 on checkout.

Course dates

10 Dec 2018 to 11 Dec 2018

Course duration

2 days

Course fee


Academic Directors, Course Directors and Tutors are subject to change, when necessary.


Institute of Continuing Education
University of Cambridge
CB23 8AQ
United Kingdom

Qualifications / Credits


Course code
