We will explore the scientific foundations of the discipline of Human Nutrition. This course will explain core concepts connecting Nutrition Science with physiological as well as other sciences, establishing the role of nutrition in human health. These interactive sessions provide an excellent introduction to those wishing to undertake further training in the field of Applied Human Nutrition relating to disease prevention and population health.
Session 1 will consider the historical development of Nutrition Science particularly focusing on some of the key findings from the past century, which have fundamentally altered our understanding of the role of nutrients in human physiology.
Session 2 will outline current understanding of Nutrition Science as applied to macro and micro nutrients as well as emerging nutritive substances in our diet.
Session 3 will involve practical and interactive work designed to provide insight into the applications of Nutrition Science concepts in human testing and physiological measurements.
Session 4 will consider the application of Nutrition Science concepts to different body systems in the context of health and disease.
Session 5 will conclude with a bigger picture approach to how Nutrition Science informs public health policies and the implications this has on society.
These inter-related sessions along with coursework will provide the foundation upon which further knowledge and skills can be built in the area of Applied Human Nutrition and on completion of the course candidates may wish to undertake further training in this area through the Cambridge Nutrition Summer School (40 hours of intensive contact time) which is held separately, in partnership with the University’s Institute of Continuing Education.