This course has been endorsed by the Board of Executive and Professional Education, University of Cambridge.
Aims of the course:
- To explore the role of psychological and emotional dimensions within the coaching process.
- To provide students with an introduction to core coaching methodologies.
- To describe inter-personal skills that enable effective coaching to take place.
- To introduce different psychological approaches that are informing coaching.
- To enable students to practice coaching.
- To clarify the coach's responsibilities with clients
Target audience:
- Those considering becoming coaches
- Those interested in learning more about coaching and psychology
- Coaches in training
- Working coaches
Course content overview:
- Core coaching methodologies
- Performance and psychology
- Different psychological approaches
- Practical coaching exercises
- Coaching responsibilities
Learning outcomes:
As a result of the course, within the constraints of the time available, students should be able to:
- Understand core coaching methodologies
- Take away raised awareness of psychological approaches that are informing coaching
- Understand inter-personal skills that support and enable effective coaching
- Develop practical skills in coaching
- Understand the importance of creating a safe coaching environment
Schedule (this course is completed entirely online):
Orientation Week: 21-27 February 2022
Purpose/Learning outcomes: By studying this week the students should have:
- Become familiar with navigating around the VLE and from VLE to links and back
- Tested their ability to access files and the web conferencing software and sorted out any problems with the help of the eLearning team
- Investigated the ICE Online Resources repository
- Learnt how to look for, assess and reference internet resources
- Used Qmail to introduce themselves to other students
- Contributed to a discussion forum to introduce themselves to other students and discuss why they are interested in the course, what they hope to get out their studies and also to respond to News item sent out on behalf of tutor
Teaching Weeks: 28 February-3 April 2022
Week 1 Core coaching methodologies
Purpose: To provide students with a common understanding of coaching methodologies. To explore key inter-personal coaching skills.
Learning outcomes: By studying this week the students should have:
- An understanding of core coaching methodologies
- Knowledge and self-assessment of core coaching inter-personal skills
Week 2 Performance, psychology and the Inner Game
Purpose: To explore the relationship between performance and psychology, using Gallwey’s Inner Game approach and its role within coaching
Learning outcomes: By studying this week the students should have:
- An understanding of the Inner Game. Knowledge of the importance of working ‘beneath the surface’, with clients and with themselves as part of their continuing personal development.
- An appreciation of the relationship between performance and psychology.
Week 3 Coaching that works with belief systems
Purpose: To explore rational and irrational belief systems
Learning outcomes: By studying this week the students should have:
- Awareness of the significance of personal belief systems
- Understanding of Ellis’ A, B, C model and its use within coaching
Week 4 Emotionally intelligent coaching / Creating a safe environment
Purpose: To explore the concept of emotional intelligence and its role within coaching. To explore the critical importance of creating and maintaining a safe environment.
Learning outcomes: By studying this week the students should have:
- An understanding of emotional intelligence: what it is and its application within coaching
- An understanding of the need to create and maintain a safe environment for the client
Week 5 Title Psychological influences of coaching
Purpose: Overview of different psychological approaches that are informing coaching – transactional analysis, cognitive behavioural, Gestalt, psychodynamic systemic.
Learning outcomes: By studying this week the students should have:
- Awareness of different psychological influences upon coaching
Feedback Week: 4-10 April 2022
Week 6 What Next?
• Assessment of student learning
• Assessment of student satisfaction
• Encouragement of further study
A Certificate of Participation will be awarded to participants who contribute constructively to weekly discussions and exercises/assignments for the duration of the course.
What our students say:
"I very much enjoyed this course, so a big thank you to you, Keith, for being such a great role model and coach throughout the journey! Equally a big thank you to my fellow course members: it was enriching and at the same time fun to work with you all. Each week I was looking forward to reading through the material and then dive into the posts."
"I found this course highly informative and accessible. The course design, Keith's knowledge and management and the postive interactions with other students all led to a memorable and enjoyable learning experience. I will definitely recommend this and Keith's other coaching courses to colleagues and friends interested in this area."
"As I shared in a previous post this was my first approach to the Coaching world. I found it very interesting, specially the idea of approaching to it via different psychological approaches. As a therapist it feel like a smooth and very interesting journey. I am committed to integrating different and complementary tools as a therapist, reason why Coaching was a must! So I want to thank all the participants and a special thank you to Keith, for being a great and inspiring Coach Model to follow."