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Institute of Continuing Education (ICE)


This course has been cancelled. Please register your interest by using the ‘Ask a Question’ function and we will notify you when this course, or a similar course, is next run.

Oceans cover seven-tenths of the planet. They contain extraordinary wildlife, are vital for human health, food and livelihoods, but they are suffering from many manmade problems; overfishing, pollution and climate change have all taken their toll. However, it is not too late to do something about these issues. This course will examine the driving forces that are making the seas endangered and will explore marine conservation solutions, including actions you can take to help bring back healthy oceans.



Course dates

10 Jul 2023 to 27 Aug 2023

Course duration

7 Weeks

Apply by

10 Jul 2023

Course fee


Academic Directors, Course Directors and Tutors are subject to change, when necessary.


Qualifications / Credits


Course code
