Unit 1
Contextualising Modern Issues in Development
This unit aims to critically explore the different approaches to understanding poverty and inequality. It explains the diverse types of poverty and explores the different levels at which poverty reduction can be addressed.
What is the link between poverty and inequality?
What are the different factors that affect the success or failure in reducing poverty and inequality?
How does context matter when designing and implementing poverty reduction strategies in practice?
Unit 2
Approaches to International & Sustainable Development
Through the use of case studies, the unit will analyse the evolution of ideas and experiences in International Development over time to provide students with an appreciation of different development perspectives, approaches, successes and failures.
By the end of the unit students should be to understand the importance of history and context and analyse some of the critical factors that facilitate or undermine international development.
Unit 3
Governance, Integrity, the Problem of Economic Crime and its Cultures
The issue of governance has been gaining importance in international development institutions’ and academics’ agendas and this unit will consider the various conceptions of governance. This includes topics such as rule of law, corruption and accountability and we will consider both formal and informal institutions, and their roles in the international aid infrastructure. We will also discuss the different players involved in international development (states, non-state actors, multilateral institutions, grassroots movements and individuals) and delve into their historical work, prevalent ideologies and power differentials. Finally the unit will focus on the relationship and differences in theoretical and practical approaches to international development concepts and programming.
All students are expected to take an active part in the course and submit work showing evidence of learning. Your learning will be enhanced by:
- engaging with scheduled teaching sessions;
- participating in class activities and discussion;
- undertaking reading and assignments set by the tutor;
- accessing resources and submitting assignments through the VLE.
Course Timeline
- Course (Unit 1) Start Date: Friday 7 October 2022
- Unit 1 submission deadline: Wednesday 4 January 2023
- Unit 2 start date: Week commencing January 2 2023
- Unit 2 submission deadline: Wednesday 22 March 2023
- Unit 3 start date: Week commencing 27 March 2023
- Unit 3 submission deadline: Friday 9 June 2023