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Institute of Continuing Education (ICE)


Because of the impact worldwide of the coronavirus (COVID-19), the 2020 International Summer Programmes have been replaced by the Virtual Summer Festival of Learning

This course is part of the Interdisciplinary Summer Programme Term I.

To apply for this course, please enrol on the programme above, and then select the courses you wish to study. For more information about Summer Programmes please visit our Summer Programmes Page.

Shakespeare’s tragedies look directly at the violence inherent in power. In this course we shall be looking at two violent kings, Lear and Macbeth, whose murderous impulses destroy themselves, their family and bring civil war to their countries. What drew Shakespeare time and again to this form of narrative? What draws us?


Course dates

09 Jul 2018 to 20 Jul 2018

Course duration

2 weeks

Apply by

25 Jun 2018


Academic Directors, Course Directors and Tutors are subject to change, when necessary.


International Summer Programmes
Sidgwick Site
United Kingdom
01223 760850

Teaching sessions

Meetings: 10

Course code
