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Institute of Continuing Education (ICE)


The deadline for booking a place on this course has passed. Please use the 'Ask a Question' button to register your interest in future or similar courses.

This course is part of the .

To apply for this course, please enrol on the programme above, and then select the courses you wish to study. For more information about Summer Programmes please visit our Summer Programmes Page.

The Ancient Greeks were the most amazing engineers - and their technology reveals a lot about contemporary society. Among other 'wonders', we will look at their metallurgy, the Samos tunnel, the Trireme, the Antikythera mechanism, the mathematician and engineer Hero of Alexandria... Perhaps they were just as fascinated by their technological innovations as we are. (Not to be taken with B27 in ISP Term II.)


Course dates

10 Jul 2016 to 16 Jul 2016

Course duration

1 week(s)

Apply by

20 Jun 2016

Academic Directors, Course Directors and Tutors are subject to change, when necessary.


International Summer Programmes
Sidgwick Site
01223 760850

Teaching sessions

Meetings: 5

Course code
