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Institute of Continuing Education (ICE)


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The University of Cambridge Postgraduate Diploma [PGDip] in Clinical Medicine has been designed collaboratively by the University of Cambridge, Institute of Continuing Education; and the School of Clinical Medicine’s Clinical Deanery. The PGDip is a continuation of the Postgraduate Certificate [PGCert] in Clinical Research, Education and Leadership and provides a progression route to the one year Masters [MSt] in Clinical Medicine. It is a one-year, part-time Master’s-level course resulting in 60 FHEQ Level-7 credits and the University of Cambridge award. 

Please note that application to the PG Diploma in Clinical Medicine is only open to students who have successfully completed the PG Certificate in Clinical Research Education and Leadership at the University of Cambridge.

The course is delivered through blended learning methods using a combination of face-to-face sessions requiring attendance in Cambridge, self-directed learning and supported through a virtual learning environment [VLE].


Teaching & Assessment

The PGDip in Clinical Medicine, like the the PGCert in Clinical Research, Education and Leadership and the MSt in Clinical Medicine to which it leads on, is designed to be flexible and accessible to healthcare professionals and to complement employment within a clinical environment.


Each unit uses summative assessment approaches of 3,000-4,000 words or their equivalent. Assessments are designed to ensure experiential learning and work-based real-life relevance. Approaches may include but are not limited to critical analysis of case-studies, assessment of evidence-based portfolios, assessment of work and sector relevant group presentations and projects, short answer questions, essays, the ability to handle, analyse and visualise unseen datasets, and research dissertations.

Please note: the teaching dates for 2024/5 are TBC and will be published below.

Unit 1 – Healthcare Law (20 credits)

Unit leads: 

Dr Aaron D’Sa | Registrar in Anaesthesia, East of England training programme.
Dr Derek Duane | Consultant in Neuroanaesthesia and Intensive Care.


To enable students to explore, and develop their understanding of, the laws that govern and influence medical practice and the way professionals and institutions are regulated and held to account. 


•    An introduction to statute and case law relating to common clinical scenarios and healthcare management.
•    The concepts of consent, capacity and autonomy.
•    Mental Health law.
•    The process and importance of complaints, quality assurance and liability.
•    Confidentiality and data protection.
•    The law in relation to fertility, reproduction and care at the end of life.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module students will demonstrate:

•    Enable students to develop their understanding of the way professionals and institutions are regulated and held to account;
•    Understand the legal framework within which medicine is practiced in England and Wales;
•    Understand how professionals and healthcare organisations are scrutinised;
•    Enable students to keep up to date with legal developments in their clinical specialties;
•    Enable students to apply their knowledge of the law to common clinical scenarios.

One week: 14 - 18 October 2024

Unit 2 – Advanced Clinical Leadership and Quality Improvement (20 credits)

Unit Leads:

Dr Nicola Jones | Consultant in Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia and Critical Care, Clinical Lead Critical Care Area, Chair Regional Transfusion Committee, Clinical Sub-dean and Associate Lecturer University of Cambridge.

Dr Thomas O’Connor | Senior Dentist, Cambridge Community Dental Services, and Honorary Dental Surgeon with Addenbrooke's Cambridge University Teaching Hospitals Trust.

The unit is delivered by an academic and clinical team drawing experience from NHS Improvement, NIHR CLAHRC, The King’s Fund, Cambridge University Teaching Hospitals Trusts, and the Royal Papworth Hospital. 


This unit supports students to take on more significant leadership positions and effectively deliver improvements to clinical services. The curriculum maps to the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management Professional Standards and the NHS Leadership Framework. Subject to accreditation candidates who successfully complete the module may be eligible for membership of other leadership organisations.


•    The impact of, and how to, enhance effective leadership within the clinical arena.
•    Improving leadership by inspiring shared purpose, leading with care, evaluation and connecting services.
•    Developing teams through shared vision, engagement, accountability via an evidence-based approach to people management.
•    Developing capability and influencing for results in large organisations.


The eight themes in the Advanced Clinical Leadership Module will focus on the practical implantation and modification of effective leadership, specific to the workplace role of each candidate. This will culminate in a publishable Quality Improvement Project report.

1: Clinical Leadership in the NHS.
2: Self-awareness and personal leadership qualities.
3: Project/change management theories and practice.
4: Impact of effective leadership within the clinical arena, and resilience strategies.
5: Teams: Evidence-based approach to people management.
6: Rescuing failing teams, managing difficult behaviour.
7: Leading for improvement, strategic development, business planning and marketing.
8: Presenting projects, change management, organisational theory. Change within large organisations – the NHS, learning from other industries. 

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module students will demonstrate: 

•    Analysis of their leadership standards in the domains of Self, Team Leader, Organisational Responsibility, and System Leadership: with reflective learning demonstrating their development in each domain; 
•    Evaluation of their leadership impact and project management methodology skills through the creation and delivery of a sustainable Quality Improvement Project, to a publishable level;
•    Purposeful analysis of a range of leadership theories and concepts, as the basis for justifying their clinical leadership and service development decisions;
•    Creation, justification, and implementation of Change Management Plans, evidencing a critical appreciation of the role of leadership approaches on the success of change.

One week: 13 - 17 January 2025

Unit 3: Healthcare Informatics (20 credits)

Unit Leads: To be confirmed 


To introduce students to the importance of Healthcare Informatics in a modern clinical setting to improve patient care through an understanding of the healthcare data needs of clinicians, health organisations, governments and patients. 


•    The design, and wider implications, of information systems and data in a modern healthcare environment.
•    The relevance of data models and data flows within the NHS.
•    The importance of informatics in a modern health system and how this information can improve patient care.
•    The impact of healthcare data.
•    The structure and organisation of healthcare databases, systems and data storage.
•    The governance, regulatory and ethical elements of healthcare data.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module participants should be able to:

•    Describe the various types / properties / structure / usage of multiple types of patient-level and aggregated data used in the field of healthcare;
•    Describe the framework within which datasets are described, mandated / notified, implemented and reported in the NHS;
•    Describe the UK governance framework relating to the use of personal data in healthcare;
•    Describe the differences between terminologies and classifications and their usage;
•    Describe an approach to data stewardship and proper curation in the management of healthcare data;
•    Describe the elements which underpin meaningful and safe interoperability in the context of personal healthcare data.

One week: 28 April - 2 May 2025

Course dates

01 Oct 2024 to 31 Jul 2025

Course duration

10 Months

Apply by

31 May 2024

Course fee

Home: £5,950
Overseas: £10,420

Academic Directors, Course Directors and Tutors are subject to change, when necessary.


Various locations
United Kingdom

Qualifications / Credits

60 credits at Master of Studies

Course code
