Open Days
Watch the recording from our Open Morning on 10 February 2023.
Who is the course designed for ?
The course is aimed at:
- published writers who wish to teach or offer writing workshops;
- existing creative writing tutors who want to improve or develop a more cohesive and defined pedagogy;
- graduates of postgraduate level Creative Writing programmes who wish to become teachers of creative writing;.
- Healthcare or industry professionals who wish to offer creative writing classes;
- professional development for qualified teachers interested in exploring the theory of teaching creative writing or who include creative exercises as part of their teaching of core subjects (e.g. History or English).
Aims of the programme
The programme aims to enable participants to:
• develop their skills as a teacher of creative writing and strategies for their intended teaching contexts;
• develop and or extend their knowledge of the theories and practices of the teaching of creative writing;
• develop their repertoire of teaching, course design and assessment methods appropriate to creative writing in their context;
• develop a reflexive and critical awareness of their own teaching practice and to transmit what they have learned from their own experience of being a writer into a classroom setting.
Teaching and Learning
The course is taught over three modules, each of which students must attend. A Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) offers learning support to students while they are on the programme, including learning resources and peer-to-peer and student-to-tutor discussion between modules to build a virtual community of practice.
Module 1: The Philosophy and Context of Teaching Creative Writing
3 - 5 October 2025
This module will introduce students to the Postgraduate Certificate and will address:
- the background and history of teaching creative writing;
- the concept of ‘creativity’ and the arguments surrounding whether or not creative writing can be taught;
- the methodologies surrounding teaching creative writing;
- how teaching creative writing may vary within different settings such as schools, higher education and prisons.
Module 2: Designing a Creative Writing Course
16 - 18 January 2026
This module will address:
- different models of creative writing courses and the advantages and challenges of each;
- the pedagogical theories behind different types of courses;
- the use of close reading in different settings and what makes a good extract;
- the quality assurance aspects of designing a creative writing course;
- the emotional and psychological impact of teaching creative writing for tutors and students.
Module 3: Assessment and Feedback in a Creative Writing Course
27 - 29 March 2026
This module will address:
- different ways of providing feedback in different contexts;
- the pedagogical theories behind different types of feedback;
- the challenges of providing written feedback to a range of students;
- the historical roots of the workshop and its appropriateness in different settings.
You will be awarded a course grade on the basis of a portfolio of three summative assignments totalling 10,000 words.
Please note that this course does not lead to a formal teaching qualification.
Find out more
If you have any questions about this course, would like an informal discussion on academic matters before making your application, or would like to know more about the admissions process, please complete this enquiry form with your questions.