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Institute of Continuing Education (ICE)

Professor of Later Medieval History, University of East Anglia
Adjunct Faculty / Course Co-ordinator (MBA/MSc), University of Aberdeen , Adjunct Faculty / MBA (Essentials) Tutor, The London School of Economics and Political Science [LSE] (GetSmarter) , Company Director - Karmah Management and Research Ltd
Teaching Tutor
Junior Leader Research Fellow at the Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), Barcelona, Spain; Research Associate, Peterhouse College
Academic Director for Creative Writing
Academic Director, University Senior Lecturer in English Literature, University of Cambridge Institute of Continuing Education
Joint course director, MSt Writing for Performance
Postdoctoral Fellow, Wellcome Sanger Institute / Genome Research Limited
Teaching Fellow in Psychology
Assistant Teaching Professor in AI Ethics and Society
2024-25 Certificate in World Archaeology - Update
Affiliated Researcher, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Univeristy of Cambridge
Course Director UGCert Ecology
Teacher/ Screenwriter
University Teaching Associate - Creative Writing
Former British Ambassador to Russia; Fellow, Wolfson College
Professor of Architecture, Course Leader, MSt Architecture Apprenticeship
Lecturer in Marketing (Markets, Ethics and Aesthetics) at Queen Mary University of London Tutor at ICE
Consultant Anaesthetist at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Professor Emerita, School of Advanced Study, University of London
Panel Tutor for the University of Cambridge Institute of Continuing Education
Principal Instructor
Novelist and biographer; Creative Writing Panel Tutor, University of Cambridge Institute of Continuing Education