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ICE Cancellations and Refunds policy information

It is of utmost importance for the University of Cambridge Institute of Continuing Education to ensure that the wellbeing of students and staff are prioritised throughout the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. 

All teaching and assessment on ICE's undergraduate and postgraduate-level programmes are in English. As a student, you should able to read, write and speak English fluently.

As a student on an award-bearing course, you will be provided with a University of Cambridge card for the duration of your study. This gives access to University facilities (such as the University Library), other services and concessions.

ICE is committed to excellence in adult and part-time education and to facilitating an open and inclusive academic learning environment and, therefore, students are asked to adhere to the Institute’s Student Charter. You are expected to take full advantage of the facilities, teaching, supervision

If you are paying for your course via funding from a third party, there are a number of things you should bear in mind before you apply.

ICE is committed to providing equality of opportunity and we aim to support and encourage under-represented groups and promote an inclusive culture.

Our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) allows you to study and learn online, access learning resources, and interact with your tutor and fellow students.

Immigration information for international students at the Institute of Continuing Education

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